WELCOME to Neptune's class page.

Mrs James and Mrs Simpson teach in Neptune class.  Mrs James teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Simpson, Thursday and Friday.   

For your information, homework is given out on Wednesdays and is due in the following Monday. We encourage children to read as regularly as possible at home, and expect their school reading book to be read at least 3 times a week, with an adult signing their books. Reading Records are checked on a Thursday morning.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday and children should come into school wearing their kit on these days.


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Sir Quentin Blake

In art this term we are investigating the artistic style of Sir Quentin Blake.

To start off our work, we found out some information about him and presented it as a fact file.  Of course, we had to include examples of his very distincitve artwork!

These examples are not quite finished but they're already super!


Fabulous printing

We completed our work on 'under the sea' William Morris inspired printing.

The hard work and effort paid off and we think our prints are fab-u-lous!

Science - Spring Term - Solids, Liquids and Gases

In the Spring Term, we will be learning about solids liquids and gases in our Science work.  Here is our knowledge organiser for you to share with people at home. Perhaps you could find out what some of the vocabulary means?

Fishy printing

In art, we have been inspired by the work of William Morris and by our under the sea topic.  We have made some relief printing tiles ready for printing next week!

The Deep was awesome!

We all enjoyed our whole school trip to The Deep, in Hull.

We were lucky with the traffic and had an easy journey each way!

Whilst we were there, we enjoyed being detectives in a workshop (using magnifying glasses and microscopes), rode up and down in the bubble lift and walked under water (well, under a tunnel!!).

Enjoy these few photos of our day...

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