WELCOME to Neptune's class page.

Mrs James and Mrs Simpson teach in Neptune class.  Mrs James teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Simpson, Thursday and Friday.   

For your information, homework is given out on Wednesdays and is due in the following Monday. We encourage children to read as regularly as possible at home, and expect their school reading book to be read at least 3 times a week, with an adult signing their books. Reading Records are checked on a Thursday morning.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday and children should come into school wearing their kit on these days.


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Amazing painting!

In art we have been developing our painting skills.


We started with exploring primary and secondary colours through the colour wheel.  We learned how to mix colours and worked on painting carefully within the lines and using the correct brush.


Moving on from this we learned how to tint and to shade.  We practised adding a little of either white (tint) or black (shade) and created a tonal grid.  We then used these skills and applied them to our choice of sea creature.  We learned that to shade effectively, we only need to add a tiny little bit of black to change the main colour.


We then took inspiration from Hokusai's famous 'Great Wave' wood block art work.  We drew our own great waves and then completed them using our tinting and shading skills.  We also had to consider which brushes and strokes to use to create the best effect.  We are very impressed with our finished art work!

Non-chronological reports

In English lessons, we have been learning how to write non-chronological reports.

We used our Talk for Writing process to 'activise' a model text, 'box up' the text and plan our own non-chronological report.  

After much anticipation we completed our 'hot write', where we enjoyed writing our own non-chronological reports.  Some of us chose to write them about real animals and some chose to write about mythical sea creatures.

Please enjoy reading the reports:

Under the sea!

Our topic this term is Under the Sea.

Our display board is growing with our art work as the term progresses.

Can you spot our colour wheel turtles and our tints and shades fish and seahorses?

Here they are in close-up!

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