Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 

Click on here for information on our SEN Information Report

All our children are treated and valued as individuals, including those who are identified as being as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We have processes on place to identify children with specific needs, and draw upon a wide range of strategies to support these children.

As well as drawing upon the experiences and expertise of our staff in school, we also liaise regularly with specialists working for outside agencies, including: The Working Together Team (TWTT), The Specialist Teacher Team (STT), NHS Children's Therapy Services, Family Action, Behavioural Outreach Support Service (BOSS), the Educational Psychology and the Speech and Language Therapy Service to ensure that support is accurately targeted, actioned and monitored.

We organise a whole range of small group and 1:1 activities, to support children with academic and social needs, as well as those who have family or personal issues which may result in the children benefitting from counselling support.  To achieve this we have a fully-trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and we also purchase counselling from an outside agency.  In addition, we have other teaching assistants trained to deliver emotional and social support (for example through the FRIENDS programme, Lego Therapy programme and Drawing for Thinking).

We believe that parents and the Academy, are partners in the learning process of all children, and as such, each child identified as having a specific need may have an individual set of targets alongside appropriate strategies to support the child's learning and promote achievement. These are developed by staff and in consultation with parents and recorded on an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). If a child's targets are centred more around social and emotional needs they will have an Individual Support Plan in place.  These plans are monitored and reviewed at least every half term by staff, and through regular dialogue with parents.

Mrs Simpson is our SENDCo.

You can contact her by phoning school (01522 880555) or by email ([email protected])

Click here for the Lincolnshire County Council's 'Local Offer'

Click here for further information about the interventions available.