Mercury Class

Mercury Class is one of our Year 3/4 classes, led by Miss Gethings. 

Remember: Homework is given out on Wednesdays and is due in the following Monday. We encourage children to read as regularly as possible, and expect their school reading book to be read at least 3 times a week and recorded in their planner. PE days are Tuesday and Friday and children should come into school wearing their PE kits on these days. 

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The Golden Ticket!!

Today in English we enjoyed our hook lesson to engage us in our new unit of work. Our next genre of writing is a wishing story. 
We played an exciting game to put ourselves in Charlie Bucket's shoes to see what it feels like to take risks. When our name was drawn out, we chose an envelope from the table. We could then decide if to stick with the envelope we chose or swap it with somebody else’s. In suspense, we revealed what was in the envelope and waited in anticipation to see who won THE GOLDEN TICKET!!

Our Trip To The Deep!

We went on a whole school trip to The Deep to extend our learning for our topic 'Under the Sea'. Take a look at some of the amazing things we saw and got up to over the day!




Show Don't Tell! - The Little Mermaid!

In English, we are writing a warning story and using part of The Little Mermaid as our model text and to base our writing around. During this lesson, we were focusing on using ‘show don’t tell’. This is where the writer uses clues such as body language, facial expressions and action to show how a character is feeling rather than directly saying it. In pairs, we created a freeze frame showing the contrast of emotions between Ariel and Flounder before exploring the shipwreck and how we could show this through body language. We then had a go at writing some of our own. Take a look at some of our freeze frames, can you work out who is Ariel and who is Flounder?


In Science this term, we have been learning about the digestive system, teeth and food chains. Below is a picture showing the results from our whole class egg-speriment we carried out. We put 4 eggs into 4 different liquids (vinegar, water, orange and coke) to see how it would impact the egg shell which has similar properties to enamel on our teeth. 
We have also made paper chain food chains where we looked at what the producer and the consumers are. 

Commotion in the Ocean

This term, our topic across school is 'Under the Sea'. We love this topic! 

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