School is open from 08:45 until 15:30 every day. This is a total of 33 hours 45 minutes every week.
Often we run after-school clubs which end at between 16.15 and 16:30 - please see relevant termly information sent out by school.
'Big Pickles' runs a before/after school club on site.
Did you know?
The school 'year' lasts for only 190 days.... this leaves175 days per year for your child to enjoy family time, friends, visits, holidays, shopping, appointments etc.
We regularly monitor your child's attendance at school. We appreciate that sometimes an absence is unavoidable, but we know that any absence from school will affect your child's learning.
If your child's attendance falls below 95%, we will contact you to inform you that your child's attendance has dropped and will be monitored. If your child's attendance does not improve, we will seek a meeting to discuss ways in which we can work together to improve it. This may involve working with outside support agencies such as an Education Welfare Officer.
Please click on here, to see our Attendance Policy
If your child feels unwell
We have attached a link, 'Should I keep my child off school?' to use should you have any concerns about whether your child should attend school with an illness.