Welcome to Jupiter Class
Jupiter is a mixed year 5/6 class and our teacher is Miss Perkins
Important information to remember:
Homework - SPaG homework is set on a Monday and Maths homework is set on a Wednesday.
Both sets of homework need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday.
Reading - children are expected to read at home, and record it in their planner, at least three times per week.
Reading Records are handed in on a Thursday.
PE is on Wednesday and Thursday and children need to come to school in their PE kits.
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We have been learning from Michael Rosen how to effectively perform poetry.
Watch one of our groups perform the poem "Chocolate Cake." by Michael Rosen:
Jupiter class performance of Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen
We have had a lot of fun today re-creating islands based on contour line maps. This session really helped to improve our ability to understand and interpret contour lines. It certainly got quite messy!
In Art we have been creating silohette pictures. We have been exploring water colour and focusing on how to vary the intensity of colour. We then used pen to create a shadowed sea scene.
As part of our Talk4Writing process we have created a whole class shared story based on an animation called The Whale's Tale. Each group wrote a paragraph, we then combined them to create our completed story:
In English we have been working on developing our descriptive techniques in preparation for our hot write. Check out Sophie's and Elijah's writing:
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