
5 Rs 

At Branston Junior academy, we believe that life is an unwritten page...our mission is to prepare children for an exciting and unknown future by encouraging:






Together we will support children to write their own unique adventure, because 'Learning is a habit for life'!

A Brief Overview 

Termly topics - we have a four-year cycle of exciting topics - each one includes a 'Wow Day' whereby the children either make a visit, have a visitor into school or we hold a spcial event of our own. This exciting day enables everyone to have a shared experience and helps to put the whole topic into some sort of context. We also have a celebration of learning day at the end of each topic to enable the children to reflect on their achievements and allow them to analyse their achievements and progress. 

Learning - our curriculum is devised to not only help your child to learn new skills, knowledge and understanding; but also to help your child to develop their understanding of "how they learn." We carefully plan progression in children's subject based knowledge and skills. 

Costs - although we endeavour to keep any costs to a minimum and use fundraising money where possible; sometimes we ask for a voluntary contribution from parents, to help pay for an exciting activity or visit.  

Our Curriculum

Maths Curriculum

Below is a link to an overview of our maths curriculum- this document includes National Currciulum Objectives, Key vocabulary, models and images used and calculation methods+ guidance on these methods:

Maths Progression Document 

We focus throughout Year 3 to Year 6 on a progressive system of introducing both written and mental methods for the 4 operations. We also focus on embedding maths skills through the combination of varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

English Curriculum

Below are links to key documents which summarise our English Curriculum: 

Talk 4 Writing Progression document

Handwriting scheme and overview

Reading Progression Document

Reading overview 

Spelling Coverage Document 

Reading and Writing Progression Overview

Science Curriculum 

Below is a link to the Science two year progression document: 

Science Progression Document 

Non Core Curriculum 

All children are taught the full range of National Curriculum subjects. These include the core subjects of English (Reading, Writing, SPaG and Speaking and Listening), Maths and Science; and the foundation subjects of Compuitng, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Drama, Design and Technology, French, Art, PE and Games, together with RE and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is taught across the curriculum in the core and foundation subjects. 

We carefully plan for progression of skills and subject-content knowledge using our progression document which you can access here: (PROGRESSION DOCUMENT) Click on icons to quickly navigate to subjects. 

RE Curriculum

Our RE curriculum and progression document is based on the document below: 

We follow the 'Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus' for Religious Education.

Click on the links below, to find out more information about the 'Intent', 'Implementation' and 'Impact' of each subject.



Design Technology




Modern Foreign Languages (MFL/French)


Physical Education (PE)

Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)


English (Writing, Reading, SPaG, Speaking and Listening)



Click on the links below, to find out more information about the 'Intent', 'Implementation' and 'Impact' of other areas of focus in our curriculum:

Drugs Education

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Collective Worship

Multi-Cultural Education

Music Development Plan

Our Topics

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


 Under the sea To infinity and beyond!  Branston at War  Walk like an Egyptian 
 Chocolate  Extinction!  British Settlers Eco Warriors
 Extreme Earth  Inventors  Rainforests  The Olympics