The academy believes that it is important to have a uniform. The academy has commissioned a range of sweatshirts, P.E. tops,cardigans (in sweatshirt material) rucksacks and book bags, which carry the academy’s logo.The academy expects all children to wear the designated uniform during term time. Please note that fashion clothing is not acceptable at any time.
Second hand uniform
With thanks to kind donations of good quality second-hand uniform from some parents, we have a created a 'Uniform Swap Shop'. it is in the Meeting Room at the front of school (just off Reception) and it is open from 9.45-9.15am every day (unless otherwise informed). You are most welcome to bring in good quality uniform to add to the 'shop', or take what you need. All items are free, but you are most welcome to leave a monetary donation to the school if you wish.
- A navy blue pullover, or academy sweatshirt or cardigan (a sweatshirt which carries the academy’s logo can be bought from Uniform Direct- but this is optional- generic item is also acceptable)
- A white blouse, shirt or polo shirt
- A grey skirt / trousers / pinafore dress / culottes / shorts
- A summer dress in the academy colours of blue and white
- Grey tights, or socks in white or grey
- Black shoes (trainers are not acceptable)
- Plain hair bands and slides are acceptable. Other head coverings (such as head scarves) may be worn at the Head teacher’s discretion.
PE Kit- Summer:
- A pair of navy, dark grey or black shorts
- An all-white T shirt or a BJA sport t-shirt (available from Uniform Direct)
- A blue or black leotard may be worn
PE Kit- Winter
The same as ‘summer’, but you will also need:
- A blue, black or dark grey tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- A sweatshirt or hooded top- (generic option with minimal branding if fine, but BJA hoodies are available from Uniform Direct)
(Please note: these may be also worn in summer if children are more comfortable.)
All children are expected to come to school in PE kit on PE days. These days are as follows:
Year 3/4- Tuesday and Friday
Year 5/6- Wednesday and Thursday
If children have sports clubs on other days, they may also come to school in their PE kit.
Additional sporting events may require children to come to school in PE kit on other days and we will strive to give parents plenty of notice.
Parents’ help in ensuring that children have the correct kit on the correct day is much appreciated. If, however, your child has a valid reason for not doing these lessons, he or she must bring a note requesting permission to be excused for that lesson.
The Headteacher would appreciate the parent’s co-operation on the following points:
- All items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name
- Children wear good, strong, practical shoes to the academy, suitable for indoor wear
- Novelty footwear, such as slippers and shoes with platform soles and heels, are not suitable and should not be worn to the academy
- For safety and security reasons, items of jewellery (such as necklaces, bracelets and rings) should not be worn at the academy. Watches may be worn, but they are the responsibility of the child and must be removed during Physical activities. Any jewellery required for medical or religious reasons, requires agreement by the Headteacher.
- Mobile phones must not be brought to the academy, unless through prior permission from the Academy; in which case they are to be given to the Reception Staff to store for safe-keeping during the day.
- Earrings - Pupils must remove their earrings prior to attending school on the days on which they have PE or parents can tape their child’s earrings at home and the tape will be left on until they return home. We have been advised that pupils will not be excluded from PE for wearing jewellery but parents must be aware of the risks involved. Staff have been informed that they are not allowed to remove/replace jewellery for fear of damage, loss or injury. Nor should a member of staff apply any tape or plasters to cover the ear stud for fear of causing an allergic reaction, etc.
- School bags carrying the academy’s logo can be purchased from the academy. Parents are asked to provide their children with a bag of a similar size. Anything bigger causes problems with storage.