Please keep an eye on this page for news of events in and around Lincoln that may be of interest to you. 

Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

LPCF continue to offer a wide range of support for families across Lincolnshire.  Please do check their web page regularly for details of the Events that they are hosting:

The following workshops are coming up soon.  Please visit their page for more details and ways to book.



You can also access their resource library through this link:

Beacon House Therapeutic Services and Trauma Team
have developed some useful resources to support regulation, connection and rest during December. 
Below is a screen shot of some of the resources available. 
Please click the weblink to find out more.

Winter Resources



Please see this poster about free courses being run around 'Understanding your child with additional needs', designed by clinical psychologists:



Dyslexia Outreach are running study skills and revision strategies sessions and transition from primary to scondary school sessions:  Click here to find out more.



Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum are offering a range of workshops.  Please click this link or see the poster below for more information:



Please see the poster below for the support service Liaise:


A Virtual Autism Hub has just been launched in Lincolnshire.
Please click the link to access the details.


The following link is for some free online courses regarding nurturing emotional health and wellbeing from bump to 19+ years.


The following website hosts a wealth of information to help you at home:
Home - My Family Coach

Please see the screen shot below for details of some of the topics covered:


Lots of families struggle with their child's sleep.  The following link to 'The Working Together Team's' webpage has some very useful information.

The following charity also support with sleep difficulties:


The following booklet also contains lots of information and ideas for supporting your child with their sleep.


Healthy Minds Lincolnshire provide emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to the age of 19.

If your child is finding it hard to cope with how they are feeling or what is happening in their life, Healthy Minds can provide early support.

All staff members have a nursing, social work, counsellor, teaching or mental health background.

Their website is full of useful strategies, including relaxation and breathing excerises (videos):

Colour breathing
Square breathing
Finger breathing
My happy place exercise
Progressive muscle relaxation exercise

There are also online workshops that can be accessed.


The Working Together Team also offer workshops and training videos on a range of topics, which can be a useful first port of call:


 Here are some useful posters about managing anxiety.  

Managing Anxiety


Managing Health Anxiety