Developing the whole child

Whilst schools obviously need to concentrate on ensuring academic progress and achievement of children, at Branston Junior Academy we believe that the same care and attention also needs to be given to the mental and physical health and wellbeing of children. Thus, we endeavour to develop ‘the whole child’ through the various learning opportunities, curriculum and extra-curriculum activities, policies and practices which we provide. We also endeavour to ensure that we follow the latest government guidance and amend it, where possible, to fit with our ethos. For ease of understanding, I have split the information into three sections, below. The Food Policy and display documents which fit with the various concepts, can be found on our school website, on the tab entitled ‘Curriculum’.


Being physically active

Eating healthily

Achieving wellbeing

Continuing with a weekly PE lessons, daily runs and other activities.



All staff continuing to promote being physically active.



We try to take part in many different sporting events, competitions and tournaments. Every child in the school is given at least one opportunity to attend such an event.

Recently we held a food tasting event where parents were able to come and taste a sample of our hot school meals, plus meet some of the fantastic team of staff who cook our meals.



We have started a new partnership with Dyson Farming and have been to Nocton Farm to learn about ‘Farming and the environment’, ‘farming through the ages’, ‘The importance of soil’, ‘Interview a farmer’ and, most excitingly, begin to plan out what we will grow on the large plots of land which Dyson is letting us develop!



As you know, we had a small kitchen area created in school over the summer holidays, so we can teach cooking lessons.

With guidance from ‘Hannah and Ali’ (LCC), we have created a new Food Policy for School which we are working towards achieving. We have made some changes to procedures at lunchtimes and will be starting to use our new kitchen area to teach cooking lessons.


Please read the new Food Policy because it also contains information about snacks, packed lunches, treats and nuts/products which contain nuts.

As you know, we already carry out a lot of activities based around our 5R’s:

  • Resilience
  • Relationships
  • Reflection
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

…the children receive ‘stamps’ in their Planner for showing these 5 values, which they can then ‘purchase’ rewards with, when I open the shop each half term.


However, we will also be using these 5R’s to learn about British Values and the ‘Nine Protected Characteristics’ – both of which are concepts which the government believes all children should be aware of.


Please note that we address both of these concepts in age-appropriate ways, through the use of the 5R’s, during PSHE lessons and through the overall message of kindness, equality, equity, fairness, being respectful of others, and why discrimination towards others is not acceptable.


Please feel free to discuss any of the above with your children at home. If you have any queries regarding any of the items noted above, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Rachael Shaw 




Meet the 5R's

Food Policy 

Lunchtime A,B,C

Eat Healthy Food

Be Healthy

5 British Values

9 Protected Characteristics